Home made cellphone project.


A lot of people tried it. Some put some strange things in there and knowledge base got a bit bizarre.

But it was all fun, ‘till somehow I accidentally erased the file.

Anyway, this sorted out a lot of early bugs in a lot of the code.

It was time to put all the hardware together

First tests..

The question game.

So I had flowing text, a way to manage lots of data blocks in a file, an editing field, and a keyboard. It was time to make up a test application to test all this stuff.

There was an old UNIX game. Maybe even predates UNIX? Donno’. You think of something, and the computer asks yes and no questions trying to figure out what you have in mind. If it can’t guess, it’ll ask you what you had in mind and what question it should have asked to get there. In this way it “grows” is knowledge base.

The blockFile was perfect for holding all the questions and items. Keyboard for typing, edit field for typing to. The only thing missing was a command line parser to decode what the user was typing. And, lucky me, I’d written a general purpose programmable command line parser for testing the .mp3 player from the doorbell project. Tossing that in, I had all the bits.

Every time someone played the game, the knowledge base would grow. I actually thought about setting it up with the FONA so anyone could play it over SMS.